Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Bible preaching

I am always trying to preach using three questions that will guide the sermon and I want to make these three points preaching very clear to the congregation. Sometimes, I was very proud that I could make the text much simpler, much easier to understand even though, making hard questions that the text poses. That is why, I got offended when someone said my preaching was wordy.
Pr. John MacArthur is a great preacher that I have been following for years. It is very common that I listen to him when preparing my own sermons. In fact, for studying the sermon of the mount, I tried to listen to Tim Keller whenever he had a message about a certain passage, John MacArthur that preached all verses of Matthew (so, no excuse to not listen him) and mainly Martin Lloyd Jones who was, for me, the higher authority on the "Sermon of the Mount". I am now in Matthew 8, so I am following J MacArthur now.
I watched:
I understood that pr. John MacArthur focus the Word and he does not care to divide the text or take three points from it. In fact, it is common that I consider making improvements to John MacArthur sermons when I divide the text in three topics, but perhaps, I should not care so much in clarifying the Bible.

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