Saturday, October 2, 2021

IF - a system to help my son.

I stopped preaching.

I began to follow my son studies - how he is going on School. But this takes much less time than preparing a sermon.

So, I'm feeling free now! 

What to do? There are many boring things that I have to do (install cameras, study some computer related things, etc.), but, they are not urgent. I would like to spend some time to write in English (second language) thinking about a big IF. 

Let me think about some big problem I have in this world and how to solve it, IF I had all the money, or if people were 100% honest, or if I had some power to make laws, etc. 

My son doesn't like to study, to think, to workout in the gym, to learn a new musical instrument, etc. Sometimes, I think that he doesn't love himself. He doesn't mind about hygiene, his posture (he has a big deviation on his spine). I am his father. What should I do to help him? What is the purpose of his life? What does the Lord think of him?

I was very different. I see myself eager to learn new things, to improve my body. I want to have a good posture. I want to age in a better shape. I want to use my days as wisely as possible (not so sure, I am so wise...).

Is there something I can do to help my son? How to motivate him? How to find some hidden valuable thing in him?

Now, I am trying to make him pass on his school exams. As we live in a digital age, full of distractions, I make him study next to me (as I did all this week). This alone is useful. I am quite sure that he is much more responsible to study under my eyes. In few minutes, I can understand what he has to study and make him study it. So, at least on these last weeks (since I stopped preaching), it has been working fine. 

However, he can't live with a supervisor like me forever. He must be responsible! Is there any way to make him responsible? 
If I had some magic, I would like to make him enjoy studying, to make him think in a critical way, searching for the truth. I am sure that in this digital age, a self taught has a huge advantage over their competitors. I would like to make my son love God related things, to make him read the Bible by himself. Perhaps, I would like to see more of myself in him.

Life is much more than money, however, I believe that my son's quality of life must decline dramatically, because I can't see he taking care of himself. He is 16 years old, but he can't express himself properly.

Wealth don't compensate the Lord's gift. I would rather my son with a good mind instead of a lot of money.

So, is there any way to help my son?

He enjoys video game.

IF there were some video game to teach to him, to develop some qualities in him... I know that this idea about a "video game teacher" is old, and I don't know any video game teacher so far, but it should have one.

Let us take math:

Suppose my son has a math problem that he can't solve. The computer should give more and more hints about the solution, like a video game gives hints to pass to a new phase. The big problem of my son is that he gets stuck and really don't move when he can't figure out what is going on. It is very sad, as we have google, his booklets, etc, but, I don't know I, he seems to forget all useful tools he have to learn more. Thus, a computer system that supervises him and make suggestions to help him as I do, would be beneficial. This computer system should control all his internet access (because, sadly, he is able to waste his time on youtube), it should prepare some "score" about how he used his time.

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