Friday, August 16, 2024

Ezekiel 45: prince obligations to the Holy Festivals.

 In chapter 45 we read about the sacred space for God and obligations of the prince when the Jews return to the Promised Land. In the sacred space, there should be the temple and the houses do the priests. We read:

9-12 “This is the Message of God, the Master: ‘I’ve put up with you long enough, princes of Israel! Quit bullying and taking advantage of my people. Do what’s just and right for a change. Use honest scales—honest weights and honest measures. Every pound must have sixteen ounces. Every gallon must measure four quarts. The ounce is the basic measure for both. And your coins must be honest—no wooden nickels!

Here in Brazil, it is very common that the governments use their power to their own benefit; but we that it is a feature of the human being, even of the princes of Israel.

16-17 “‘Everyone in the land must contribute to these special offerings that the prince in Israel will administer. It’s the prince’s job to provide the burnt offerings, grain offerings, and drink offerings at the Holy Festivals, the New Moons, and the Sabbaths—all the commanded feasts among the people of Israel. Sin offerings, grain offerings, burnt offerings, and peace offerings for making atonement for the people of Israel are his responsibility.

The prince should provide the offering in the Holy Festivals, specially the Passover:

22-23 “‘On Passover, the prince supplies a bull as a sin offering for himself and all the people of the country. Each day for each of the seven days of the feast, he will supply seven bulls and seven rams unblemished as a burnt offering to God, and also each day a male goat.

Jesus united two functions. He is king and priest. He offered himself as a sin offering for us.

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