Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ezekiel 37: the ressurection of Israel and the kingdom of the Christ.

 Ezekiel 37 contains the vision of the Valey of Dry Bones. Ezekiel was taken by the Spirit and has a vision of the Valey of dry bones. The Lord asks:

3 He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
I said, “Master God, only you know that.”
4 He said to me, “Prophesy over these bones: ‘Dry bones, listen to the Message of God!’”
7-8 I prophesied just as I’d been commanded. As I prophesied, there was a sound and, oh, rustling! The bones moved and came together, bone to bone. I kept watching. Sinews formed, then muscles on the bones, then skin stretched over them. But they had no breath in them.
9 He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath. Prophesy, son of man. Tell the breath, ‘God, the Master, says, Come from the four winds. Come, breath. Breathe on these slain bodies. Breathe life!’”
10 So I prophesied, just as he commanded me. The breath entered them and they came alive! They stood up on their feet, a huge army.

And then, we have the explanation: the bones are the house of Israel, with no hope. At that time, Babylon had destroyed Jerusalem. The Lord will make Israel live again and lead their people back to their land.
The restoration will be far greater: Israel and Judah will be gathered together praising the Lord, under David as king:

22-23 Never again will they be divided into two nations, two kingdoms. Never again will they pollute their lives with their no-god idols and all those vile obscenities and rebellions. I’ll save them out of all their old sinful haunts. I’ll clean them up. They’ll be my people! I’ll be their God! My servant David will be king over them. They’ll all be under one shepherd.
24-27 “‘They’ll follow my laws and keep my statutes. They’ll live in the same land I gave my servant Jacob, the land where your ancestors lived. They and their children and their grandchildren will live there forever, and my servant David will be their prince forever. I’ll make a covenant of peace with them that will hold everything together, an everlasting covenant. I’ll make them secure and place my holy place of worship at the center of their lives forever. I’ll live right there with them. I’ll be their God! They’ll be my people!
28 “‘The nations will realize that I, God, make Israel holy when my holy place of worship is established at the center of their lives forever.’”

As a Christian, it is clear to me that it is talking about the Messiah Kingdom. Although I am not a Jew, I understand that I belong to this new covenant of peace thanks to Jesus, my Lord.

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