Monday, August 5, 2024

Ezekiel 39: Gog and the coalition against Israel will be destroyed

Israel seems a nation against the world in times of Ezekiel, not so different than today. We question: Is Israel of nowadays represent Israel from the past? Aren't we Christians the eschatological Israel?
Ezekiel 39 and 38 treats about a man called God that gathered many nations against Israel, but the Lord intervened through many ways (earthquake, sword) killing a large army. There will be the flesh of the soldiers and their weapons in great amount:

9-10 “People will come out of the cities of Israel and make a huge bonfire of the weapons of war, piling on shields large and small, bows and arrows, clubs and spears, a fire they’ll keep going for seven years. They won’t need to go into the woods to get fuel for the fire. There’ ll be plenty of weapons to keep it going. They’ll strip those who stripped them. They’ll rob those who robbed them. Decree of God, the Master.

17-20 “Son of man, God, the Master, says: Call the birds! Call the wild animals! Call out, ‘Gather and come, gather around my sacrificial meal that I’m preparing for you on the mountains of Israel. You’ll eat meat and drink blood. You’ll eat off the bodies of great heroes and drink the blood of famous princes as if they were so many rams and lambs, goats and bulls, the choicest grain-fed animals of Bashan. At the sacrificial meal I’m fixing for you, you’ll eat fat till you’re stuffed and drink blood till you’re drunk. At the table I set for you, you’ll stuff yourselves with horses and riders, heroes and fighters of every kind.’ Decree of God, the Master.

It is not clear if this prophecy had already happened or not. Anyway, may we think that this will happen with the state of Israel of our time? Is it literal? Would it be applied to we Christians as the people of the Lord? If so, how can this be if Christians are scattered around the world in many nations?

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