Friday, August 30, 2024

Daniel 7: the meek shall inherit the earth

Daniel 7 is very related to Daniel 2 where we learn about a sequence of human kingdoms until arrives the kingdom of God. It is very interesting the passage that points to the "son of man":

“I saw a human form, a son of man,
    arriving in a whirl of clouds.
He came to The Old One
    and was presented to him.
He was given power to rule—all the glory of royalty.
    Everyone—race, color, and creed—had to serve him.
His rule would be forever, never ending.
    His kingly rule would never be replaced.

Jesus calls himself the "son of man" many and many times when talking to his disciples; not only that, but he points to this passage in Daniel 7 when being judged by the chief priest. Therefore, it is very clear that Jesus thought of himself as receiving the power to rule, the glory of royalty and being served by everyone in a kingdom that never ends.
Daniel 7 proceeds explaining his vision, but the "son of man" is not explained. The closest that we have is:

26-27 “‘But when the court comes to order, the horn will be stripped of its power and totally destroyed. Then the royal rule and the authority and the glory of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the people of the High God. Their royal rule will last forever. All other rulers will serve and obey them.’

All other rulers will obey the people of the High God.
In Daniel 7 we learn that the people of the High God is persecuted before receiving authority:

23-25 ... The ten horns are ten kings, one after another, that will come from this kingdom. But then another king will arrive. He will be different from the earlier kings. He will begin by toppling three kings. Then he will blaspheme the High God, persecute the followers of the High God, and try to get rid of sacred worship and moral practice. God’s holy people will be persecuted by him for a time, two times, half a time.

Daniel 7 doesn't say that the son of man will suffer before receiving authority, but certainly, he is clear that this will happen to the people of the High God.

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