Thursday, August 29, 2024

Daniel 6: humans want to be praised

Daniel must have lived a long time. Now we are in the Medo-Persian empire, under the reign of Darius. As Daniel is righteous and wise, he was placed in a very important position in this empire, which caused a lot of envy among the satraps. Why? Because it is natural for human beings to seek their own honor and glory, but Daniel was in a place of much more honor and glory. They wanted to accuse Daniel of some injustice or some foolishness, but they couldn't. So, instead of looking for some weakness in Daniel, they found a way in the weakness of King Darius.
They convinced King Darius that everyone should pray to him for 30 days as if he were a god. He wanted praise and glory, so he made such a foolish decree, and in doing so, he made Daniel guilty when he prayed to the Lord as he was accustomed to.
Daniel was punished by being thrown to the lions, but the Lord delivered him.
Dario says:

25-27 King Darius published this proclamation to every race, color, and creed on earth:
    Peace to you! Abundant peace!
        I decree that Daniel’s God shall be worshiped and feared
    in all parts of my kingdom.
        He is the living God, world without end. His kingdom
    never falls.
        His rule continues eternally.
        He is a savior and rescuer.
        He performs astonishing miracles in heaven and on earth.
        He saved Daniel from the power of the lions.

Humans want to be praised, but true satisfaction is praising the Lord because the Lord is the one who saves and rescues us.

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