Friday, July 5, 2024

Ezekiel 19: a lament for two kings and for Israel/Judah

 in Ezekiel 19 we read a lament for the leaders of Israel and Israel doom. It tells a story of two lions that were captured by Egypt and Babylon. It may refer to Jehoahaz that was taken to Egypt and died there and to Jehoiachin that was taken to Babylon. The story tells that the lions were strong, but Jehoahaz reigned for just 3 months. Perhaps it may refer to Josiah that was killed by Egypt. It compares Israel to a vine:

10 Your mother was like a vine in a vineyard,
    transplanted alongside streams of water,
Luxurious in branches and grapes
    because of the ample water.

Israel/Judah was strong but it become something like a garbage:    

14 Good for nothing but making fires,
    campfires in the desert.
Not a hint now of those sturdy branches
    fit for use as a royal scepter!

Ezekiel is lamenting for Israel

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