Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hosea 7: Israel ignores the love of the Lord.

In chapter 7, the Lord is against Israel because although He has loved and He hasn't been loved.

1-2 “Every time I gave Israel a fresh start,
    wiped the slate clean and got them going again,
Ephraim soon filled the slate with new sins,
    the treachery of Samaria written out in bold print. (...)

Israel would show love for the Lord if they asked Him direction and protection but instead they seek refuge in Egypt and Assyria:

“Ephraim is bird-brained,
    mindless, clueless,
First chirping after Egypt,
    then fluttering after Assyria.
I’ll throw my net over them. I’ll clip their wings.
    I’ll teach them to mind me! (...)

It is very similar to a son who searches approval of his silly colleagues, instead of his own father.

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