Monday, September 9, 2024

Hosea 1: a marriage with a whore

 Hosea is from Israel and lives around 786–746 BC, before Daniel and Ezekias.

2 The first time God spoke to Hosea he said:
“Find a whore and marry her.
    Make this whore the mother of your children.
And here’s why: This whole country
    has become a whorehouse, unfaithful to me, God.”

3 Hosea did it. He picked Gomer daughter of Diblaim. She got pregnant and gave him a son.

We are always told to be far away from whores, but here, the Lord says the opposite because the Lord wants to show Israel (the whore) how He feels. He has 3 children:

  • Jezreel - son,  punish the house of Jehu for the massacre at Jezreel, and I will put an end to the kingdom of Israel.
  • Lo-Ruhamah - daughter -  “not loved”
  • Lo-Ammi - son, "not my people"

A marriage can be broken by infidelity. The covenant between the Lord and Israel faces a serius thread because Israel worship false gods.

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