Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Ezekiel 6: against the mountains of Israel

 In Ezekiel 6 we read:

1-7 Then the Word of God came to me: “Son of man, now turn and face the mountains of Israel and preach against them: ‘O Mountains of Israel, listen to the Message of God, the Master. God, the Master, speaks to the mountains and hills, to the ravines and the valleys: I’m about to destroy your sacred god and goddess shrines. I’ll level your altars, bust up your sun-god pillars, and kill your people as they bow down to your no-god idols. I’ll stack the dead bodies of Israelites in front of your idols and then scatter your bones around your shrines. Every place where you’ve lived, the towns will be torn down and the pagan shrines demolished—altars busted up, idols smashed, all your custom-made sun-god pillars in ruins. Corpses everywhere you look! Then you’ll know that I am God.

Ezekiel is in Babylon, but he must preach against the mountains of Israel because the shrines were there. The Lord is a jealous God. He wants his people to be his only. He will make very clear that He hates idolatry because He will destroy the sacred god and goddess shrines and stack the dead bodies in front of them. I understand that I belong to the Lord. I must watch: where is my treasure? Money? the Lord? You Lord are my treasure and my source of joy. Please, keep me away from false gods.

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