Thursday, June 6, 2024

Ezekiel 4: prophecy about the siege of Jerusalem

 In Ezekiel 4 we read:

1-3 “Now, son of man, take a brick and place it before you. Draw a picture of the city Jerusalem on it. Then make a model of a military siege against the brick: Build siege walls, construct a ramp, set up army camps, lay in battering rams around it. Then get an iron skillet and place it upright between you and the city—an iron wall. Face the model: The city shall be under siege and you shall be the besieger. This is a sign to the family of Israel.

4-5 “Next lie on your left side and place the sin of the family of Israel on yourself. You will bear their sin for as many days as you lie on your side. The number of days you bear their sin will match the number of years of their sin, namely, 390. For 390 days you will bear the sin of the family of Israel.

6-7 “Then, after you have done this, turn over and lie down on your right side and bear the sin of the family of Judah. Your assignment this time is to lie there for forty days, a day for each year of their sin. Look straight at the siege of Jerusalem. Roll up your sleeve, shake your bare arm, and preach against her.

8 “I will tie you up with ropes, tie you so you can’t move or turn over until you have finished the days of the siege.

The Lord tells Ezekiel about the siege of Jerusalem, and to represent it. Why the siege is happening? It would be very common to think that the Babylonian gods are stronger than the Lord, but the Lord explains that is due to the sins of Israel and Judah. Thus, Ezekiel will bear their sins lying for 390 days in his left side and then 40 days in his right side. He will eat food cooked in dung - very disgusting - showing the famine that will happen to his people.

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