My wife
We celebrated 15 years of marriage this year.When I was adolescent, I read the book: "The Fourth Dimension" from Paul Yonggi Cho. It had a very bad impact on my wedding and I really do not recommend it. As I remember, the author urges the reader to specify in detail what is being asked in prayer, so that when he receives, he will clearly acknowledge the answer from the Lord. Unfortunately, I was very naive (as most adolescents), the book was recommended, and I was eager to ask things to the Lord. So, I embraced the book and asked a wife with a very good specification.

I was very motivated to find the love of my life, given by the Lord, marry her and be happy.
The Lord, however, is like a wild leon, and He does what pleases Him and not what pleases me.
I waited for the charming beauty for many years.
When I met my wife, sadly, she did not meet the requirements. Even fearful, I married her. Perhaps, I was afraid to die alone. By other side, she can not explain why she insisted so much on marriage.
We had many fights after marriage. Some or many were my fault. I was not happy with my spouse and she knew it.
The Lord is slow to anger. He loves me so much that gradually I began to learn contentment.
Today, I think the opposite. My wife is much more than I deserved. She is very beautiful, hard working and much more friendly than I am. She really complements me: I am not a beauty, somehow lazy and socially adverse. Thanks heaven, the Lord gave her to me.
I recommend you not to read or believe in books that presents a God that wants to satisfy your desires. However, the Lord satisfies the desires of the heart aligned to his will.
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