Monday, August 15, 2016


Although my parent's family does not celebrate birthdays and commemorative dates, yesterday, my wife decided to celebrate the father's day (every second Sunday of August), thus we called my parents, my brother's and sister's family. Sadly, my family is not united so, I had some discomfort.
We were talking after lunch but, for me, I was not eager to engage in foolishness chat. So my brother in law was free to be in charge of the conversation.
My mother, with Alzheimer, was seated next to me. I pointed my wife and asked who she was in a low voice. He stopped his conversation, and decided to call my attention. He said that I was embarrassing her as she was not able to answer. He complained: "You are testing people and nobody wants to be tested!".
I told him that nowadays people seems to avoid suffering at maximum, but this avoidance does not translate into love. What is love? Nobody was giving any attention to my mother. She was in her world during conversation. I was just taking her to our world, but using a very simple language that everybody understand: "who is she?".
He told that I should try something different, such as: "are you cold?" which was less harming to her. I asked him to explain in detail, why my question was harming my mother. Everybody knows she is with Alzheimer so nobody would laugh for any silly answer. Was she feeling dumb? She showed no sign of it. She was not even catching the discussion. My sister (and brother in law) is politically correct and, she very rarely visits my parents.
What is love? Love is not put my mother in a bubble and forget her there. Love is to interact with her, to be present.

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