Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Zechariah 3: the high priest in the new temple

 The temple in Jerusalem is to be restored. Joshua is the high priest in the new temple, but there is a problem: Satan is ready to accuse him because he is not fit to the temple. The Lord rebukes Satan. Although Jerusalem is going up in fire, she will be saved. Joshua filthy clothes are changed.
We read:

8-9 “‘Careful, High Priest Joshua—both you and your friends sitting here with you, for your friends are in on this, too! Here’s what I’m doing next: I’m introducing my servant Branch. And note this: This stone that I’m placing before Joshua, a single stone with seven eyes’—Decree of God-of-the-Angel-Armies—‘I’ll engrave with these words: “I’ll strip this land of its filthy sin, all at once, in a single day.”

10 “‘At that time, everyone will get along with one another, with friendly visits across the fence, friendly visits on one another’s porches.’”

The Lord will strip this land of its filthy sin, all at once, in a single day, but how? As a Christian, it is clear that this prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus was crucified, but I can't imagine how a Jew reading this passage would interpret it; I suppose there are a multitude of explanations. The prophecy goes on saying that people will get along with one another. The church is the place that gather (our should gather) people that are natural enemies. This happens when we look to Jesus instead to ourselves.

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