Monday, November 25, 2024

Nahum 3: Who will die for Nineveh?

 In Nahum3 we read:

Your merchants have multiplied
    until they outnumber the stars.
But like a swarm of locusts,
    they strip the land and fly away.
Your guards[d] and officials are also like swarming locusts
    that crowd together in the hedges on a cold day.
But like locusts that fly away when the sun comes up,
    all of them will fly away and disappear.

Nineveh will fall. Merchants and guards will fly away from Nineveh. There is nobody that really loves Nineveh and will die for for her.
In contrast to the first Christians, they chose to die instead of negating that Jesus is the Messiah. With that courage, in a way, Christianity conquered Rome.

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