Monday, February 5, 2024

Isaiah 53 - The Christian chapter in the Jewish Bible

Isaiah 53 - The Christian chapter in the Jewish Bible

Isaiah 53 talks about the Suffering Servant. The New Testament clearly says that the Suffering Servant is Jesus in Acts 8:26–40 and 1 Peter 2:21–25. Isaiah is talking about the Suffering Servant since Chapter 42. For the Jews, the Suffering Servant refers to Israel and the suffering happened in the Babylon captivity. I didn't read Jewish commentaries but, using their approach, it must be very difficult to interpret passages such as:

4 He certainly has taken upon himself our suffering
    and carried our sorrows,
        but we thought that Elohim had wounded him,
            beat him, and punished him.
He was wounded for our rebellious acts.
    He was crushed for our sins.
        He was punished so that we could have peace,
            and we received healing from his wounds.
Let us suppose that Israel in captivity carried our sorrows. Who are the beneficiaries of Israel suffering? If we understand that Israel suffered for his own sins, it seems that our earthly sufferings leads to redemption. However, the verse indicates that someone else suffered the sorrows in place of another one.

We have all strayed like sheep.
    Each one of us has turned to go his own way,
        and Yahweh has laid all our sins on him

This verse must be really difficult to understand if the Suffering Servant were Israel, it is difficult to understand "we" in verse 6. Who have strayed like sheep? Israel again? I may see the disciples strayed like sheep in Jesus crucifixion, and I can see myself strayed like sheep following my own way. I also can thank the Lord for his salvation provided when He laid my sins on Jesus.

He was arrested, taken away, and judged.
    Who would have thought that he would be removed
        from the world?
    He was killed because of my people’s rebellion.
He was placed in a tomb with the wicked.
    He was put there with the rich when he died,
    although he had done nothing violent
        and had never spoken a lie.

He was killed and put with the rich. It is very easy to understand that Jesus was judged, that He was killed because of the "people of the Lord" rebellion. It is easy to see Jesus being buried in a tomb that was for a rich person. However, it is difficult to understand it if the Servant were Israel.

He will see and be satisfied
    because of his suffering.
    My righteous Ebed will acquit many people
    because of what he has learned through suffering.
    He will carry their sins as a burden.

Will Israel carry the sins of many people as a burden? Will Jesus carry the sins of many people as a burden? We, Christians, understand that Jesus accomplishes what Israel should do. In a way, Jesus is the temple and Jesus is Israel; however, verse 11 is much easier to understand when we think of Jesus as the Servant, as the redeemer.

So I will give him a share among the mighty,
    and he will divide the prize with the strong,
        because he poured out his life in death
            and he was counted with sinners.
                He carried the sins of many.
                    He intercedes for those who are rebellious.

Jesus is the one who interceded for me as rebellious guy. He is the one who carried my sins. I understand that Jesus will divide his prize with me. In a way, I belong to Jesus' prize because I am of Jesus.

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