Sunday, February 20, 2022

a new church

 We decided to leave the nikkei church because we (my family) seemed to be wasting time there. I was there because I felt it was some kind of my obligation to the congregation to present a message more biblical. I was preaching once a month. As soon as I decided to leave the pulpit, I decided to leave the church too. We stayed there longer than other families and we saw the declining in number of people. In fact, there is just one family there, although there are more senior people that attend alone. With covid-19 and the closure of face to face activities, I was preaching online; however it seemed to me that I was, somehow, wasting my time preparing the sermons with no support of the new pastor (because the older pastor that I was used to got some kind of dementia). 

We decided to attend a Presbyterian church that began with koreans. We came to know them by a Taiwanese family that we knew in the nikkei church. It is widely known that Koreans and Japanese don't get along very well due to the second war, but my ancestors came to Brazil before second war (I have nothing with war related problems). Anyway, we are the only nikkei family there and we hope to be accepted by the congregation.

A very great difference from our nikkei church and this new church is in the sermon. We appreciate very much the word being preached. The pastor (a young fellow) got master degree in Canada and Phd in England, besides he is a professor in a seminary. It is very different to listen to a sermon from someone who knows to read the Bible from end to end in a harmonic way. He is wise in applying the Word in our day lives.

We pray to the Lord that He leads us (my family) to a church where we may grow in faith and love.

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