Saturday, November 7, 2020

What to do on Saturdays and Sundays?

From Monday to Friday, I would like to be concentrated in spending time to my job, that is:

  • research. I need to publish papers. It seems that I am always in debt to the brazilian society.
  • class. Teaching computer related things.
I understand that the Lord is honored when I execute my secular job, however, I would like to have a mind away from my job at weekends.
As I am preaching once a month, I would like to reserve Sunday to prepare the sermon. Until recently I was preparing the sermon on one day - generally the Sunday before the preaching. I was recording the sermon on a video. During the week before the sermon, I was watching myself in order to improve the sermon that was given "online" by internet. However, chatting with a friend of mine that is a quasi theology academic, I decided to improve the sermon. The fact is that my church is diminishing and it is very certain, that one cause is the lack of a proper message to our world. Preparing a message that calls attention in our "evil days" is very difficult, but it is not impossible. I decided to spend every three Sundays or more in preparing the sermon. The idea is to prepare a message specially to my church, publish it, in hope that is a message to the brazilian Nikkeis too.

 In Decalogue, the Israelite is commanded to keep the Sabbath. In most Christian churches, Sunday is the Dominus Day - the Lord's day. Today is Saturday and I would like to make a good use of it. 


One idea is to use Saturday thinking about some way to earn money, besides my job. However, in this case, Saturday doesn't look the Sabbath. As I am not an Adventist or jew, it seems reasonable to me. I am saved by Jesus and not by keeping Jewish rules. I certainly respect the idea of resting one day per week as much as not eating raw meat, but both of them are not a commandment to me (because I am not jew).
Another idea is to visit my old father with his problems. 
In September, 5th, 2020, Saturday, I was going to visit my father when I had a bike accident. I broke one arm and lost part of my tooth. At that moment, he didn't recognize my pains just to visit him. He was reluctant to let my brother use his car to take me to the emergency room. 

He doesn't usually become glad when I visit him. In fact, today, talking by internet (by my brother's smartphone), he told that it is not necessary that I visit him. Unfortunately, dad is not thinking clearly. He is locking himself in a prison due to his paranoia.  I would rather much more staying at home, but I must visit him, anyway, despite what he wishes. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Where I am heading to

 Life is very short. Today, August, 16th, is Sunday.

I must be thankful to the Lord for the good life I am already living. Today, I am physically fine, no financial problem, no big social problems, etc. If absence of problems means happiness, then I am happy. In fact, there are some minor problems: I am not publishing any paper for decades, my wife gets angry with me from time to time, I wish to have a better relationship with my daughter, I would like to become a entrepreneur, etc. Some years ago, I was intimidated by these same problems, and now, they seem so small. Some years ago, I was ashamed of not publishing papers, and now, it seems a small detail in the universe! Do the universe really need my papers? Certainly not. Do planet Earth need a successful company from me? Nope.

A big question is: "where am I heading to?"

I am heading ultimately to the cemetery whereas planet Earth will continue its path without my opinion, my ideas, etc. I am heading to the judgement before the Lord where I will be asked about my relationship with the Lord, how I have been living to Him instead of living to me. A lot of big problems I formerly had was due to search of my honor and glory such as having a successful company. Now that I am more centered in honoring the Lord than myself (I hope it is true indeed), these big problems became very small.

I hope to retire in 3 to 8 years. I have been thinking on being a great entrepreneur, specially in my retirement, but now, is it what I want indeed? What kind of thing would I do?

I have been wondering about the church. I would like to have more relationship with other Christians, to spread the word of the Lord, to help others grow in their faith. I'm quite sure that these things would be more gratifying to my life than thinking about a company and money related things. 

I should be more helpful to others, to cooperate more, with much less ego involved. Till now, I know that I have been living a very egoistic life and cooperating only when I see some advantage. Let the Lord change my heart.


Sunday, March 22, 2020

corona virus

Today is Sunday.
Churches are closed everywhere, and every place that agglomerates people, even parks, thus, the streets are desert. It is almost a surreal world and nobody would believe it would happen in November, 2019.
I am very blessed that I may stay in home, without wondering about money to buy food. There are people hoarding food but I think that they are very wrong. In short term, commodity prices must fall, I think, as it is happening with oil prices that fell sharply 50%.
Our little church is adapting to this new world. 
It is very likely that the corona virus covid-19 came from bats. They are sold in the Wuhan Chinese Market. It is disgusting. Imagine bats being sold to eat, no wonder this virus came from such a place.
As we read the Acts book, Peter was to eat unclean animals, but I am quite sure there were no bats in his vision.
In my opinion, although we as Christians are not obliged to follow any jewish diet, I am quite sure, that this corona virus epidemic wouldn' t happen in a Jewish diet world.