Sunday, November 24, 2019

Matthew 11:20-30; Responsability and rest

Today I preached Matthew 11:20-30. Jesus foresees a fierce punishment to the cities of Galilee where he showed many miracles because they didn't repent. The Bible says that the more one receives from the Lord (revelation, miracles), the more he will be charged. There are different degrees of responsibility: an intelligent person is more responsible than a dummy one. There are different kinds of people: even though, one may read the Bible and attend many sermons, he doesn't believe. Other may receive the gospel quickly. So, how does it happen? People from Cafarnaum had hard hearts, but why some have hard hearts and others not?
A normal preacher would be disappointed with himself if after a heavy work, there were just a few converts; but Jesus told that the Father decided to reveal celestial things to little children, that is, people who are not wise in their own eyes. So, what happened to Cafarnaum is not Jesus' fault. Jesus is talking about predestination, the will of the Lord that transcends human desires.
Jesus says that he is the one who reveals the Father and after that, he invites anyone who is weary and burdened to go to him. The Son has the power to reveal the Father and in doing so, he will provide rest to the one who goes to him. Interestingly, this rest comes from taking seriously Jesus teachings (his yoke) and be his disciple (learn from him). He is the teacher, I am his disciple. He is not a furious and proud teacher who mistreats his own disciples. He is a gentle and humble teacher that takes care of his disciples.
He is a teacher that makes the lesson (love the Father, and love others as yourself) easy.
Amem to this.
I really think that the Lord revealed me this sermon, but I don't really feel proud about receiving this revelation, by opposite. This afternoon, after preaching, I watched some youtube videos about finance, but with some kind of sorrow in my heart. I know, I really know, that the great wealth is not money. So, I was sorrow with my own heart because I should focus on love the Father, and love others, not money.
That is why I decided to write this post: to stop thinking about foolishness and focus on Jesus.
I said in public that satisfaction is in Jesus.
Is this real to me?
Do I have satisfaction in Jesus?
I said in public that there is a music which says: "Jesus is everthing to me".
Is it true to me?
Yes, it is true, even though, sometimes I loose the way; but my dear Jesus is the good pastor who leads me back to the way.
It is true: I find satisfaction in Jesus because I believe that he is powerful, much more powerful than my own sins. So I find satisfaction in Jesus when I repent (about looking youtube videos about finance at Sunday afternoon) and find the cure in him.
Love means to cultivate relationships.
Sir, let me be a good husband and a good father today.

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