Saturday, June 16, 2018

talking about Jesus

Today I will see my old uncle who is more than 85 years old, perhaps around 90 years old.
He studied sociology, became a history teacher, published many articles in journal and had some sympathy to "Partido dos Trabalhodores".
He is seeing my mother and taking a photo of the cemetery contract. I asked my father about cremation or burying and he decided to burying. I told him that a more pleasant conversation would be about Jesus.
How would I talk him about Jesus?
I would like to talk about:
- the book of Matthew: a jew that shows Jesus as the rejected Messiah to Israel. The Messiah is the one who was promised to reign and carry our burdens, our diseases, our sins.
- the old testament contains prophecies that make sense looking to Jesus but it is nonsense without Jesus. How to understand prophecies about a king like David and the one who carries our sins?
- the challenge to believe due to so many problems in church.
- the challenge of not believing when we face ourselves and ineptitude of pleasing our Creator.
- the belief that He reigns over my heart in a invisible kingdom.
- the belief that He returns and reigns over the elects in a visible kingdom.
How to talk to him in a very direct way so that he believe in Jesus?

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