Yesterday I watched the movie: The Big Short. It is about the 2008 financial crisis, more specifically, about betting against (shortening) the market.

It reminded my pursuit of financial independence. My history began in this way:
Around 2001, my ex boss knew I had enrolled to a contest for a professor job in another faculty and was reproved. I did not comment to anyone what had happened but somehow he was told about it. At that time, I had to renew my contract with the faculty, and he publicly told it to other professors in order to prevent my renewal.
In a such displeasing situation, I talked about what was happening to a friend. He appointed some books to read. One of the them was "Poor dad, rich dad". I was glad to discover that if I were smart enough I could live with no work. It was just a matter of taking decisions in life, of escaping the rat race. A smart guy would accumulate wealth by making the money working for him and not the other way around.
Thus, I decided to buy common shares. As the investment worked well, I decided to move almost all my money to the stock market in 2002 as the ibovespa (the brazilian stock market index) was falling. I hit in full. Bingo!
It seemed to me that I really could escape the rat race, and around 2005 I was about to take control of my life! I mean, I was about to ask for dismissal. All my children were babies.
The plan was to ask it to the new boss (not the same of 2001) on some Monday of 2005, but the day before, on Sunday, I was at the church. Somehow I talked to the pastor and he persuaded not to take that silly decision.
I am really glad that today I am still in the same job. In 2008, as the market was sharply falling I paralyzed thinking that I was a real long term investor and after a few months I had a fraction of what I had before. The film "big short" was for me some kind of explanation to what had happened at that moment.
By my side, I was really arrogant in 2005: I thought to be very smart, to have my future in my hands. I was the one who was financially independent and I was not obligated to bow to anyone. At that time I said: I have never intended to be a teacher. It was by accident. I hate my job. I do not why I have to endure so much coarseness from the students. I have to take control of my life!
In fact, I was really the great dumb who could not see anything ahead.
I really do not know why my Lord loves so much. He took care of me in 2005 preventing me to leave my job, and although I was really hurt in 2008, somehow the Lord took care of me.
Today, I would laugh of books like "poor dad, rich dad". Today I do not think about being financially independent. I learned that the Lord is the great boss: he gives and takes away whenever he decides to do so. And again, I do not know why He loves me and sustains me.
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